Friday, October 1, 2021

Bathroom Renovation Mistakes That Can Ruin The Remodelling Project

If you are aiming for a home renovation, the bathroom is perhaps the most interesting starting point for the project. Its often considered the pre-cursor for tackling the chaos and anxiety for a full-scale kitchen makeover. While bathroom renovations can be extremely sassy and beautiful, there are a few mistakes that can completely ruin your project. We don’t want your bathroom remodelling initiative to turn out as a nightmare. That’s why we thought of sharing with you a few mistakes which homeowners must not overrule during a bathroom renovation project. Have a look:

Low Ventilation

Low ventilation is not good. Get a fan installed in your bathroom and let it run for at least 15 minutes after you step out of the shower. Do you know why this is necessary? By running the fan, you can considerably reduce condensation which can cause the ceiling paint to bubble up and get affected; furthermore, allowing mould and mildew to thrive. Even though you have got a window in the bathroom or a good vent, make sure you run the fan after using the shower.

Mismatched Fixtures

Mixing finishes is simply a big no when you are considering bathroom renovations in Morningside. Mixing up finishes, colours and textures can literally turn an eyesore for the space. Never mix two types of woods, tiles or metals while introducing the fixtures. Stick to one instead. Let there be a flow.

Improper Spacing

Wait! Wait a minute! Have you ever noticed if there is the improper spacing between the toilet flange and the wall? The standard toilet needs around a full 12 inches of space from the back wall to the beginning of the drain. When you fail to abide by this 12-inch rule the toilet is least likely to fit into the space unless you cut a portion of the drywall.

Dull Lighting

While looking for bathroom renovations ideas in Cleveland always consider the lighting around the space. A standard bathroom will need extra lighting to look soothing and functional. Get a few pot lights at the shower as it's going to lit up the space and make it appear brighter than ever. The vanity mirror should be well lit and flatter the brightness around.

Going with the Trend

Not every time, going with the trend can pay you in the long run. Sometimes what’s in trend may not suit the décor, the space and the ambience of a bathroom. So, just move over and look for some flourishing ideas instead.

Watch out for these, bathroom remodelling mistakes if you want to avoid costly errors.

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